Find out more about why drivers should turn their phones off in the fact sheet below or use the Turn your phone off facts and figures to find out where this information comes from.

Phones thumbnail

Turn your phone off facts and figures

A fifth of drivers aged 18-24 regularly read or send texts while driving. 16% also admit surfing the internet while driving at least several times a week.

Reference: Brake and Direct Line (2016) Smartphones

After using your phone, it can take a minute for you to start paying full attention to the road again.

Reference: AAA Foundation (2015) Measuring cognitive distraction in the automobile III: A comparison of 10 in-vehicle information systems

If you text and drive, your reaction times can slow by 35%.

Reference: Transport Research Laboratory (2008), The effect of text messaging on driver behaviour: A simulator study

You’re four times more likely to be involved in a serious crash if you’re on your phone while driving.

Reference: McEvoy, S.P. et al (2005), Role of mobile phones in motor vehicle crashes resulting in hospital attendance: A case-crossover study, BMJ 331 (428)

Drivers using a phone contributed to 103 crashes where someone was killed or seriously injured in 2019.

Reference: Department for Transport (2020) Reported Road Casualties Great Britain 2019, table RAS50001.