With only your phone and laptop to help you, can you raise enough money to secure your freedom?
Here's how it works:
- You can take part in the Brake Escape on your own or in a team.
- All participants agree to be ‘locked in’ and must raise funds for Brake to be released.
- Using only a phone or laptop, ask friends, family, colleagues and social media followers to donate and set you free.
And here's some top tips:
- Get all escapees locked in together – ideally somewhere visible.
- Set a fundraising target for each escapee.
- Make it a competition, with prizes for who can raise the most, escape the fastest, etc.
- Provide plenty of drinks and snacks – this is fun fundraising!
- Invite senior management, celebrities, or local dignitaries to take part.
- Ask local media to cover your escape.
We've given you everyhting you need to prepare for your Brake Escape. Click on the links below to download an overview and communications toolkit, and images to share on participants' social media and organisations' social media.
For more information and to plan your own Brake Escape fundraising event, email fundraise@brake.org.uk.
Download the overview and toolkit
Brake Escape overview
Find out more about the Brake Escape with this overview
Communications toolkit
Use this toolkit to shout out about your Brake Escape fundraiser
'We're taking part' poster
Let people know about your Brake Escape with this poster
Certificate for escapees
Celebrate your success with this certificate
Let your LinkedIn and Twitter followers know about your Brake Escape
Let your Instagram followers know you're taking part
Almost at your fundraising target? Let Twitter and LinkedIn know!
Almost reached your target? Let your Instagram followers know
You did it! Let your LinkedIn and Twitter connections know
You did it! Thank your Instagram followers
Use this on Teams or Zoom calls to let people know you're taking part
Use this in your email signature to let people know you're taking part