Legislation and policy


Safe system approach

Our campaigns to stop road crashes and reduce harm are underpinned by robust evidence and expertise, coupled with stories from bereaved and injured road victims. This balance of evidence and lived experience is known to start important conversations and ultimately change hearts and minds.

We are a trusted voice with local and national media, and we have strong connections with regional and central government. We use these networks to advance our media campaigns and gain support from decision-makers.

Click on the headings below to learn more about each of our campaign priorities.

Our campaign priorities

Default 20mph speed limits on all roads in built-up areas across the UK

In 2022, 593 people died on urban roads in Britain, including 385 pedestrians and 91 cyclists. Thousands more were seriously injured [1]. Reducing default speed limits to 20mph on roads in built-up areas will save lives, reduce severe injuries and help more people walk and wheel in safety.

Progressive licensing to safeguard young and newly qualified drivers

In 2022, 4,935 people were killed or seriously injured from a crash involving a young driver [2]. A progressive licensing system with minimum periods for learning, enhanced testing and training, and measures to reduce the risks associated with carrying peer-age passengers and driving at night, could reduce the number of deaths and injuries involving young drivers by 20–40%.

Zero-tolerance on drink-driving

Every year, more than 200 people die in drink-driving incidents on UK roads and a further 1,600 are seriously injured [3]. England and Wales have the highest maximum drink-driving limits in Europe, including for commercial drivers. We want to change that and make drink-driving a thing of the past.

All new vehicles to have life-saving technology fitted as standard

There is no good reason for any new vehicle to be built without the latest-generation, life-saving vehicle safety technology outlined in the General Safety Regulations. In the UK, we helped shape these regulations, which have now been adopted in the EU and Northern Ireland [4]. Now it’s time for us to raise the standard in Britain.

All organisations to be required to monitor and report on incidents involving work vehicles

Work-related road traffic collisions are estimated to contribute to a third of UK road deaths (565 people) and a fifth of serious injuries (5,620 people) [5], yet there is no requirement for organisations to report incidents and near misses to the Health and Safety Executive. We’re calling for change that requires all organisations to report incidents within the existing RIDDOR system.


  1. Department for Transport (2023) Reported road casualties Great Britain, annual report: 2022 and supporting data sets.
  2. Department for Transport (2023) Reported road casualties Great Britain: Younger driver factsheet, 2022
  3. Department for Transport (2023) Reported road casualties Great Britain, annual report: 2022 and supporting data sets.
  4. European Commission (2022) New rules to improve road safety and enable fully driverless vehicles in the EU
  5. Ward, H., Christie, N., Walton, B. (2020) Driving for work A strategic review of risks associated with cars and light vans and implications for policy and practice