12 February 25
Samsara will provide vital funding towards Brake's campaigns to end road death and injury
30 January 25
The data shows a reduction in collisions after the introduction of 20mph speed limits in urban areas
Seven personal injury law firms are providing funding for Brake's National Road Victim Service
Partnerships provide vital funding to support Brake's road safety campaigns
Beep Beep! Day 2025 takes place on Wednesday 19 March
Ken Brough explains the delays in the legal system, which families must navigate
Chief Constable Jo Shiner explains the network of support available for road victims in Sussex
Ben Pepper highlights some of the challenges faced by people bereaved or injured in road crashes
Chris Lewis shares his story, and explains why support for road crash victims is vital
Laura Johnson highlights ways the CPS can support road victims through the criminal justice system
Kim Leslie explains one step we can take to ensure only those who are fit to drive are on the roads
Claire Newstead explains how Graduated Driving Licences can help keep young drivers safe
Organisations should stand together to call for change for road victims, says Ruth Purdie OBE
Nicola Edgar explains how to approach civil claims processes in a trauma-informed way
The Charter was launched at an event for MPs at Portcullis House in Westminster on 18 November
Dr Nicola Lester explains how the trauma-informed aspects of care can help people through grief
Brake launches a new Road Victims Charter calling for essential action for road victims
The support books help adult carers talk to children after a road crash
Road Safety Week 2024 will raise awareness of the devastating toll of road crashes
Fleet sector celebrates the hard work of organisations striving to reduce road deaths and injuries
Latest Government figures show 1,695 people died on roads in the UK in 2023
Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne announces new funding for road victim support
The theme for Road Safety Week 2024 will be After the Crash – Every road victim counts.
CEO Ross Moorlock launches new three-year strategy to stop road death and support every road victim
50+ organisations support calls for Transport Secretary to adopt General Safety Regulations
Road victims in Scotland will continue to receive free legal support from panel
Brake announces the shortlist for the UK Fleet Champions Awards 2024
New research from Brake shows parents don't walk their children to school as roads are too busy
British Medical Association launches campaign to reduce harm caused by drink- and drug-driving
The deadline to enter the UK Fleet Champions Awards 2024 has been extended to Wednesday 19 June
New funding will allow Brake to provide support to road victims in Cleveland
Fleet operators, suppliers and manufacturers are being invited to champion road safety achievements
Cyclists who kill or seriously injure by riding dangerously could face a life sentence
New manifesto from PACTS calls for strategic measures to reduce UK road deaths and serious injuries
Brake hosts second After the Crash conference to showcase excellence in post-crash care
Brake is delighted to announce a new Strategic Partnership with solicitor firm Bolt Burdon Kemp
New Bill calling for measures to safeguard young drivers will now be presented in full
New research from Brake and AXA UK shows that 10% of drivers occasionally forget to buckle up
Kim Leadbeater will introduce a new law in Parliament to reduce the number of deaths on roads
More than 200,000 children aged 2–7 are taking part in Beep Beep! Day with Brake
72% of AA members support safeguards for newly qualified drivers
Brake is delighted to announce the return of Brake’s Kids Walk, sponsored by esure Group
Brake is delighted to announce a new Strategic Partnership with SambaSafety.
Bereaved parents demand Government action on deaths from young driver crashes
Safety-conscious fleet operators, suppliers, manufacturers and individuals are invited to enter.
Average traffic speeds have reduced by 4mph since Wales rolled out default 20mph speed limits
After the Crash conference takes place on Tuesday 14 May 2024.
Beep Beep! Day 2024 will take place on Wednesday 24 April
Brake is delighted to announce that Ross Moorlock has been announced
Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales announces new funding for road victim support
41% of drivers switch off safety features in their cars
Three Family liaison officers (FLOs) were awarded for working with dedication and care
Brake is delighted to announce new Strategic Partnership with connected operations provider Samsara
Derbyshire PCC announces new support service to help bereaved and injured road victims
TRL considers safe speeds and explains how speed limits are set
David Hynd, chief scientist at TRL explains the benefits of intelligent speed assistance technology
Hattie Thompson explains how passing horses slowly and at safe distances will make journeys safer
TRL’s Annie Avie and Robert Lynam explore behaviour change techniques to reduce speeding at work
Five top tips on managing driver speed from RTITB
TRL's Richard Cuerden and Shaun Helman explain why we need a new societal narrative on speed
We need to consider regional differences when drawing up any form of road safety strategy
Kier Gallagher, Campaigns manager at Cycling UK, explains how rural roads pose dangers to cyclists
Brake calls on fleets and people who for work to keep road users safe with robust policies
Bikeability Trust offers advice to cyclists: “put yourself where drivers are looking”
Ian Pearson of Arval UK explains how employers can encourage fleet drivers to drive at safe speeds
Analysis of government road casualty data found casualties caused by driver speed rose last year
Richard Owen explains how the police can use advanced data sources to better manage driver speeds
Chief Constable Jo Shiner explains how personal responsibility is the starting point for safer roads
Professor Tim Coats considers how small electric vehicles can form part of a safer transport system.
Dr Elizabeth Box offers top tips on talking about speed
Anna Semlyen explains how public policy action on lower speed limits leads to safer systems.
Catherine Arnold explains the benefits of trauma-informed care, and how to access support
The new trustees bring expert knowledge and experience to Brake's Board
230 people from the fleet industry came together to celebrate outstanding commitment to road safety
Expert legal panel will offer specialist legal support to people bereaved and injured on roads
We must put the safety of people and communities at the heart of every decision made about our roads
Latest Government figures show 1,711 people died on British roads in 2022
PCC awards Brake multi-year contract to support road victims in Warwickshire
New funding for road victims in London announced at TfL’s Vision Zero Summit
Brake’s National Road Victim Service has been awarded funding in Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
TfL announces new victim support service for those affected by road traffic collisions in London
The move to lower speed limits in Wales will save lives, says Living Streets CEO Stephen Edwards
The #Brake5 Challenge is a fundraiser for Road Safety Week to raise money for Brake’s work
Autoglass announced as sponsor of Road Safety Week 2023
Event at the House of Commons celebrated progress, inspired action and honoured victims
Brake announces the shortlist for UK Fleet Champions Awards 2023
Brake announces the theme for Road Safety Week 2023
63% of drivers would support a phased licensing system for young and novice drivers
"Driving is a privilege, not a right," says Brake, in light of sentencing change
Brake's After the Crash conference showcased the need for excellent support following a road crash
New research from Brake shows parents don't walk their children to school as traffic is too fast
Mayor Tracy Brabin continues her work to improve safety for all road users in West Yorkshire
Sponsors for After the Crash Conference 2023 have been announced.
New research from Brake and AXA UK shows 62% of drivers worry about the cost of vehicle repairs
Research from Brake and AXA UK shows 80% of London drivers worry about the cost of vehicle repairs
Expert legal panel in Scotland offers specialist legal support to road victims
Every 19 days a class of young children is killed or seriously injured on roads in Britain
QBE Insurance, Fleetmaster, eDriving, MatrixIQ and Arval UK to support the UK Fleet Champions Awards
Charity supports investment in further safety improvements on existing smart motorways
Government reminds drivers not to touch their phone when the emergency alert sounds
After 29 years in role, founder Mary Williams OBE is retiring as Chief Executive of UK charity Brake
Charity welcomes investments to make roads safer
UK Fleet Champions Awards 2023 - entries now open!
Brake and AXA UK announce partnership to promote safer and greener driving
Brake's National Road Victim Service in Scotland expands to offer more support to road victims
New PACTS briefing reveals 30% of people who died in cars in 2021 were not wearing a seat belt
Active travel warrants special attention if we are to achieve Safe Roads for All, says George Beard
Founder Rod King praises everyone who has campaigned for lower speed limits in their community
We all share responsibility for ensuring our own actions don't put others at risk, says Tony Crook
If road safety were a film, the roles in the title of this article would need to be in the script
Are you ready to choose a different way to travel, even just one day of the week?
Road Safety Week launches today (14–20 November)
Arval UK's Ian Pearson reminds drivers to make use of the safety features in electric vehicles
Managing driver risk requires more than just compliance with road traffic legislation
Why we need to consider regional differences when drawing up any form of road safety strategy
Road safety advice for children updated as number of electric vehicles on Britain’s roads rises
Partnership raises more than £7,000 to help fund Brake’s work
Tanya Braun from Living Streets outlines how the charity is campaigning for pedestrian safety
Active travel worth £36.5 billion to UK economy, advise charities and business leaders
One in four parent drivers admit speeding near their child's school
Alan Hiscox from the British Horse Society welcomes new rules to protect horse riders
What are the most effective ways to change behaviour, asks David Davies, Executive Director of PACTS
Collisions involving deaths and serious injuries show signs of sliding back to pre-pandemic levels
Carnage on roads must end, says Mary Williams, CEO
Foreign secretary would consider ending speed limits on smart motorways if she became prime minister
By working in partnership and sharing knowledge, we can all help enhance safety among fleets
Here's some of our best advice for getting out on the road safely this Summer.
Brake supporters and staff gathered at the Houses of Parliament to celebrate the charity’s work.
2021 Impact Report summarises Brake’s campaigning activity and work supporting road crash victims
The corporate partnership will help fund Brake’s work campaigning for safe and healthy mobility.
Brake welcomes plans to lower speeds on residential roads from 30mph to 20mph.
"We applaud this major step by Government towards roads without deaths and catastrophic injury."
More than 90,000 kids will take part in Brake's Kids Walk
Advanced driver training will enhance your driving skills and make you a safer driver
On Wednesday 22 June thousands of schoolchildren across the UK will take part in Brake’s Kids Walk
"This commitment is a further welcome step towards enabling us all to travel safely and healthily"
The theme of this year’s Road Safety Week will be ‘Safe Roads for All’
Brake has announced the agenda and keynote speaker for its annual Global Fleet Champions UK Summit.
The National Road Victim Service will expand its team of specialist caseworkers
I couldn’t be more grateful to Brake for giving me the opportunity to promote road safety awareness
The Government is asking whether drug-drivers should undergo rehabilitation before resuming driving.
Brake has been awarded £537,000 to provide support for road crash victims from 2022 to 2025
Anyone caught using a hand-held device while driving could face a fine of up to £1,000
On 22 June 2022, thousands of schoolchildren across the UK will take part in Brake’s Kids Walk
Almost two in five drivers aged 25–34 admit they do not always wear a seat belt in cars.
Meera has campaigned tirelessly to make smart motorways safer after her son Dev died in 2018.
190-250 people were killed in crashes where at least one driver was over the drink-drive limit
Children walk in their community to promote important road safety messages
Brake welcomes the changes to the Highway Code which come into effect this Saturday
If you look after your car, it will look after you
Amidst all the other factors, car buyers must give safety the importance it deserves.
Compiling a winter kit of equipment to carry in the cold months is easy
One of the biggest changes that I have seen in my career is the impact of seat belt legislation
Rollout of new All Lane Running motorways will be paused until five years of safety data available
Analysis shows December is the second worst month for drink-drive crashes
Brake supports consultation as key step in creation of an independent agency to investigate crashes
Professor Reed will provide independent advice to National Highways.
Police officers who support bereaved families recognised in Brake Family Liaison Officer Awards 2021
Brake has welcomed the debate about tougher sentences for hit and run drivers who cause death
About 300 deaths and more than 6,000 serious injuries were prevented due to lighter traffic in 2020.
When considering statistics and analysis, it is important to keep in mind the “so what?” question.
I realised I could help other people by raising financial support.
The 20’s Plenty (and Love 30 in km/h) movement has made huge progress in the last 12 months.
Brake has given me a reason to carry on living, by helping me campaign in memory of my daughter.
Road Safety Week in November 2013 was an unforgettable day for me.
During my career I have worked alongside many brilliant clinicians from all disciplines
Friend or foe, the return of heavy traffic could make you question your own driving confidence.
I wanted to honour my partner’s memory with a solo hike up Moel Eilio.
Road safety heroes: Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert
Brake has teamed up with Tiger Trailers on a three-year sponsorship to improve road safety.
I am dedicating this message of gratitude and thanks to all those who work in the emergency services
The only way to avoid life-changing consequences was to prevent the injury happening.
I have often reflected on this incident, as it shows the importance of all 5 pillars of safe systems
This road safety hero is you, the public.
For safe and happy cycling, it's vital that your bicycle is in good condition before you set off
We applaud the Department for Transport for launching today’s consultation
Brake has launched a PR and social media toolkit with several ideas for activity in Road Safety Week
With driving anxiety, who is in danger?
Four things to consider when planning any journey
Free training to help motorcyclists who attend the scene of a bike crash
Brake supports urgent call for Government strategy to make roads and urban spaces safe and healthy
The document published today is a response to a boon in walking and cycling during the pandemic.
Brake has today announced a new partnership with Busby – the personal safety app.
The Brake Roadmap for safe and healthy journeys helps people to be safer on the roads.
"This decrease in deaths and serious injuries is a welcome step in the right direction".
Schools across the UK take part in Brake's Kids Walk with Shaun the Sheep
Brake and RoadHow partner to improve driver knowledge and reduce road risk.
Traffic cameras are common across the UK and the data they capture can be accessed online.
Educators share their voices to help improve the way road safety is taught in schools
First year report sets out progress towards 2020 action plan to improve safety on smart motorways
Drivers admit that negative moods have a detrimental effect on their driving behaviour
We have launched a brand-new Police Family Liaison Officer Hub within the new Brake website.
I’m desperate to help prevent crashes and save lives of both people and horses like Jazzy.
Read our views on the latest drink-driving statistics
Read our views on the June 2020 road safety stats
Brake has teamed up with breakdown provider Green Flag to urge all drivers to remember to slow down.
Road safety charities around the world have been recognised for their outstanding work.
As we celebrate Brake’s 25th birthday year, we are also celebrating our tremendous volunteers.
2020 marks 25 years of Brake.
Road casualties are no longer declining, possibly due in part to reductions in roads policing.
Read our press release announcing the winners of the 2020 Vision Zero Leaders Awards
Having good eyesight is one of the most basic requirements for safe driving.
There is a simple case for changing our approach to speed.
Read our story about excessive speeding, to mark the launch of Road Safety Week 2020
I am delighted that a 20mph sign features in the graphics for this year’s Road Safety Week.
Our bill would have reduced the default speed limit on restricted roads across Scotland.
Last year, 26,102 people were injured, 3,780 seriously, and 125 people were killed on London’s roads
Speed kills. This is a true and well-rehearsed line that has been used by campaigners for years.
Road incidents involving horses and vehicles are continuing to rise - up a shocking 23% on 2019.
Everyone understands the concept that the faster a vehicle is travelling, the greater the risk.
Less than half of UK drivers know what the rules are for driving on smart motorways.
The Department for Transport has announced plans to close a loophole in the law on phone use.
One of the notable features of lockdown was that it slowed most of us down.
The coronavirus pandemic caused a boom in people walking and cycling.
1 in 5 drivers aged 17-24 admit to making or receiving video calls when driving.
There were 1,752 reported road deaths in 2019.
TRL's GATEway project trialled different automated vehicles (AVs) with members of the public.
Legislation to introduce life sentences for killer drivers will finally be introduced to parliament.
The theme for UK Road Safety Week 2020 has been announced as ‘No need to speed’.
As the UK lockdown begins to relax, more people are using the roads.
Covid-19 hit at a time when we were already facing a triple threat of crises.
Since March we have all been experiencing lower volumes of traffic on our roads.
We now need to make it easier for authorities to set 10mph limits on some new housing developments.
We’ve been given a very painful opportunity to think again about where we might be going.
Brake and Cycling UK have joined forces to appeal to all drivers to slow down and take more care.
The Department for Transport has announced funding for the National Road Victim Service.
Public transport and active travel should be the first choice for moving around in future.
Drivers warned to avoid risky rural roads, so that they don’t increase the burden on the NHS.
A bereaved mum is supporting Brake’s campaign to engage young people with the basics of road safety.
Almost a third of those who died in vehicles on Britain’s roads in 2018 were not wearing seat belts.
The Transport Secretary has set out plans for improving the safety of smart motorways.
Global Fleet Champions is calling to put road safety first when operating vehicles for work.
The Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety is calling to mandate 20mph in urban areas.
The Department for Transport has published estimates for drink drive crashes and casualties in 2018.
Over a million drivers have admitted to using their phones behind the wheel on every journey.
Road safety campaigners are calling for random drug and alcohol testing to be introduced.
Performing an emergency stop in winter conditions takes twice as long in wet weather.
18 children are killed or injured while walking and cycling every day
Walking is an easy and accessible way to maintain good physical activity levels.
Roads are becoming increasingly challenging for vulnerable road users such as horse riders.
Young people have never been in a better position to make their voices heard.
Children must be able to walk and explore in safety
How can autonomous vehicles and people safely interact in urban areas?
Young children can now learn road safety basics with the help of characters from Timmy Time.
There’s huge potential for people to travel more actively.
Five-star roads are the safest while one-star roads are the least safe.
Road safety campaigners are calling for the transformation of UK city streets.
On average six children are killed or seriously injured every day on Britain’s roads.
Enforcing the laws of our roads is a crucial part of any roads safety strategy.
33 new drivers had their licence revoked every day within two years of passing their driving test.
Every 20 minutes, someone is killed or seriously injured on a British road.
Who gets the priority in protection whilst on a journey?
More than 5,000 drivers have been caught repeatedly drink-driving in the past four years.
When we have a great message and a dedicated following we can make a difference.
More than 42,000 provisional licence holders are on the roads with six or more penalty points.
3 in 5 adults in England feel that it is too dangerous for them to cycle on the roads.
The number of people killed and seriously injured on Britain’s roads shows little change.
Safety campaigners are calling for an increased police presence on the roads.
By focusing on design, we can enable people to move in healthy ways.
Last year, over 9,000 motorists were caught by police speeding at more than 100mph on UK roads.
Brake has announced the winners of its 2019 Police Family Liaison Officer (FLO) Awards.
Brake has celebrated the achievements of road safety campaigners at the charity’s Annual Reception.
More than 63,000 kids will take to their streets to raise awareness of the need for safer journeys.
Road safety campaigners are urging everyone to be more Bike Smart.
One in four people feel it is safe to use a mobile phone when behind the wheel in stationary traffic
Road safety campaigners are calling for a review of speed limits on rural single-carriageway roads.
It is 16 years since law was introduced to make hand-held phone use illegal whilst driving.
New vehicles sold in Europe will be fitted as standard with a range of new safety features.
Half of drivers aged 18-24 admit to being in a car with someone not belted up.
Even after five years, the grief remains.
Road Safety Week 2018 has been and gone but what a week it was!
Navigating a bus through a crowded urban area is no easy task.
Cycling in London is booming.
The skills and knowledge I’d used would be well worth sharing with fellow bikers.
We have compiled a list of six ways you can help to keep cyclists safe on the road.
Rail freight is key to servicing the UK economy in a cleaner, safer way.
Cyclists and horse riders are vulnerable road users and should be mindful of each other on the roads
At IAM RoadSmart we’re passionate about road safety, which is why we provide training for drivers.
With only a helmet for protection cyclists are vulnerable to every other road user.
The world leader in designing forgiving roads and streets is the Netherlands.
1,793 people were killed in collisions last year
Bicycle insurance specialists Yellow Jersey offer their tips for keeping your bike safe and secure.
Twelve-year-old Maisie Godden-Hall says wearing a cycle helmet saved her life.
How can we break the cycle of ever increasing numbers of cars at school drop off and pick up times?
The widespread implementation of vehicle automation has never seemed as close as it does today.
Brake is teaming up with police forces to run a month-long campaign on driver vision.
The Safe Systems approach is key to preventing bike casualties.
Steve Horton reflects on why it’s important to look out for each other.
Brake welcomes this shift in emphasis and urge others to follow suit.
There has been insufficient government leadership and funding for road safety over the last decade.
A landmark EU proposal has mandated the fitting of lifesaving technologies in all new cars.
Building segregated cycle routes should be the Government’s priority for roads investment.
Brake and Churchill Car Insurance are celebrating 15 years of their Beep Beep! Day project.
One in five (20%) patients admitted to trauma centres were involved in road crashes in 2016.
Stopping distances should be increased because drivers' thinking time has been underestimated.