The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) has awarded Brake, the road safety charity which runs the National Road Victim Service, £7,320 from the Police Property Act Fund.

Road victims face many complex practical and emotional challenges after a crash, such as identifying a loved one’s body, attending a criminal or inquest hearing, getting a loved one's property and clothing returned, understanding how a collision happened, and providing a victim impact statement in court.

The grant will contribute towards tailored support from Brake’s National Road Victim Service, which works to meet individual needs.

It is anticipated that 10 families across Cleveland could receive support from Brake over the next 12 months.

The grant will also pay for a set of 50 information guides which will be distributed to road victims by Cleveland Police family liaison officers, who have first contact with road victims.

The guides are easy-to-read and give practical and emotional advice to victims, their families and those working with them.

Newly elected PCC Matt Storey visited the Cleveland’s Roads Policing Unit to announce the funding during his first week in office. The visit gave Matt the chance to introduce himself to the officers who work to keep the region’s roads safe. He said: “It’s important for me to hear about the vital support and service Brake provides for victims, families and loved ones, during incredibly tragic circumstances.

“I hope the funding helps ease the anxiety and distress felt by road collision victims and helps to strengthen Brake’s specialist service which provides a lifeline to people across Cleveland during their darkest days.”

Sergeant Mark Leadbitter from Cleveland Police’s Collision Investigation Unit, added: “The support and service that Brake will provide to those with life-changing injuries, or to families bereaved by serious collisions will be invaluable and will complement the work of our specially trained family liaison officers (FLOs).

“We raise awareness of road safety campaigns all year round, focussing on reducing the number of fatal and serious road traffic collisions on our roads, but unfortunately we cannot prevent them all.

“In these circumstances, families are faced with a situation which they have often never experienced before, and the utter devastation left behind can be beyond measure.

“Families who are bereaved and in distress need to have specialist services and support available to them, and this funding contribution goes some way towards providing that.”

Ross Moorlock, CEO at Brake, the road safety charity, said: “We are proud to be working with Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner’s office to ensure road victims are provided with the support they need following a sudden loss in a road crash. Being able to access trauma-informed support delivered by a specialist caseworker here at Brake’s National Road Victim Service can make such a difference to coping and resilience. We look forward to working in partnership with Cleveland Police to deliver this vital support.”