• Schools across the UK are invited to sign up for Brake’s Kids Walk on 19 June 2024
  • One-day event calls for safe spaces for children to walk to school in their community
  • Six children are killed or seriously injured on UK roads every day
  • Everyone who signs up gets a free pack of resources to teach road safety to 4–11-year-olds

Children of all ages are at risk of being hurt or killed when near roads. On average, six children are killed or seriously injured on UK roads every day – equivalent to an entire classroom of children every week.

As well as teaching children vital road safety skills, Brake’s Kids Walk raises awareness among parents, carers and other adults in the local community about the need to protect children on roads.

By signing up to Brake’s Kids Walk, schools, youth groups and educators can access a free action pack featuring lesson plans, assemblies, activities, and more. The packs also include posters and campaign boards for children to carry when they walk, highlighting the five things they need to walk safely in their communities, including safe footpaths, cycle paths and crossing places.

Brake will also help schools ask their local decision-makers to create spaces so children and their carers can make safe and healthy journeys: for example, ensuring there are 20mph speed limits on roads near schools and where children are travelling to and from school.

Brake, the road safety charity, has been coordinating walking events for schoolchildren at a national level for more than 15 years, helping children to understand the dangers they face on roads and learn how to use roads safely.

All primary schools, youth groups and other educators are invited to sign up to Brake’s Kids Walk 2024 at www.brake.org.uk/kidswalk.

esure Group will once again be sponsoring Brake’s Kids Walk 2024, returning to support the campaign for the fourth year running.

Ross Moorlock, Chief Executive at Brake, said: “Every day, we see first-hand the devastating effects of road crashes through the work of our National Road Victim Service, which last year supported more than 1,500 families affected by road death and injury.

“It’s every child’s right to be able to walk safely in their community without fear of traffic and pollution. This year we hope to inspire as many children, schools and families as possible to take part in our Brake’s Kids Walk campaign.”

David McMillan, CEO at esure Group, added: “We are delighted to continue our support for Brake’s Kids Walk for a fourth year, helping raise awareness of the importance of safer roads and cleaner air for schoolchildren across the UK.”

For more information, please contact the Brake news team: news@brake.org.uk or call 07931 915023.

About Brake, the road safety charity Down arrow icon to open accordion

Brake is a national road safety charity, founded in 1995, that exists to stop deaths, serious injuries and pollution on roads, and to care for families bereaved and injured in road crashes.

Brake campaigns for safe and healthy roads through seeking government policies and investment to end the carnage, and through projects that help communities, schools and employers promote safe and pollution-free streets locally. Brake delivers Road Safety Week, the UK’s biggest road safety campaign.

Brake is the national provider of care and support to victims of road crashes and their families through the National Road Victim Service, helping families cope with the shock, turmoil and devastation that road crashes cause families across the UK every day.

For more information and to fundraise for the charity, go to www.brake.org.uk.

About esure Group Down arrow icon to open accordion

esure Group is one of the UK’s leading providers of Motor and Home insurance products through the esure and Sheilas’ Wheels brands. Founded in 2000, esure Group have the scale, heritage and expertise capable of inspiring the trust and confidence of their 2.1m customers, combined with the entrepreneurial mindset and agility of an insurtech. esure Group are focused on using industry beating technology, insights and data, alongside fantastic customer service, to deliver more personalised experiences that meet the evolving needs and expectations of customers.

To find out more visit www.esuregroup.com.