The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety has been given the prestigious Prince Michael International Road Safety Award in recognition of its members’ work as part of the #CommitToAct campaign.

The campaign aims to amplify the work of individual road safety charities worldwide by strengthening their joint voices and calls to action.

It calls on charities to secure commitments from leaders in their country to improve road safety, and to hold them to account with continued monitoring to ensure that the right changes are made.

Members are also encouraged to raise awareness and mobilise support for their cause, and to adapt the campaign to suit their local contexts.

The Alliance comprises around 250 non-government organisations (NGOs), including Brake.

HRH Prince Michael of Kent told the Alliance: “I have been impressed with the reach and effectiveness of the #CommitToAct campaign developed by your team and many partner NGOs. I am therefore delighted to make an Award to the Alliance in recognition of this outstanding achievement.”

Lotte Brondum, executive director of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, said: “This award’s true recipients are the Alliance member NGOs, who often work tirelessly and unrecognised in their communities. I encourage them to use it as an opportunity to leverage the recognition and endorsement that the Prince Michael Award represents to push for accountability and stronger commitments for safer roads with their governments.”