The panel will consist of Irwin Mitchell, Digby Brown, and Morton Fraser – and will be coordinated by Brake.

Companies on the legal panel have all been assessed by Brake to have extensive experience in helping road crash victims. The formation of this panel was deemed necessary as road crash victims have complex legal needs that require help from specialist lawyers. All firms on the panel are members of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers.

Brake’s National Road Victim Service provides emotional and practical support for victims of bereavement and catastrophic injury following road crashes. Since it was set up in 1996, the service has helped more than 50,000 victims across the UK through provision of vital information and caseworker care. All police forces across the UK distribute National Road Victim Service information to road victim families and the service works in close partnership with many police Family Liaison Officers.

Last year, Brake successfully extended its National Road Victim Service’s team of specialist caseworkers across Scotland.

Claire Newstead, Irwin Mitchell, said: “We’re proud to continue our support of Brake’s National Road Victim Service and welcome the news of our appointment to the Scotland Legal Panel. Through our work we see first-hand the devastation families are left to face as a result of road incidents, and the National Road Victim Service provides essential support to those impacted as we help those affected to get their lives back on track.

“This recent appointment follows last year’s announcement of the service’s regional expansion in England and Wales, so it’s fantastic that we are part of this further expansion into Scotland. We look forward to our continuing work alongside the team as it goes from strength to strength.”

Brian Castle, Partner at Digby Brown, said: “Every day we help people affected by road traffic accidents and see the kind of trauma people are faced whether the incidents are seemingly minor or truly life-changing.

“Life after any road crash is stressful and that’s why Digby Brown’s people work diligently in the background so our clients can focus on their recovery, their family and their future.

“We know what matters to victims, survivors and families and that’s why it matters to us to support Brake’s National Road Victim Service in Scotland and help more people than ever before.”

Nicola Edgar, Legal Director at Morton Fraser, said: "The National Road Victim Service plays a vital role in providing much-needed support and guidance to those affected by the devastating consequences of road traffic collisions. At Morton Fraser, we have long-fought for the rights of road victims, and we understand the life-changing effects that such collisions can have. That's why, we are delighted to be working alongside Brake as part of the new Scottish legal panel to ensure that victims and their families in Scotland receive the legal advice and additional support that they deserve."