
Road safety films

Our road safety heroes - A short animation about the people who help us make safer journeys and support people after a road crash.
We love to cycle - a short, animated film for primary schoolchildren to show the benefits of cycling and how to stay as safe as possible when riding a bike.
Our future journeys: Safer by design - a short film for schoolchildren that explains how connected and autonomous vehicles work and why safe vehicles are so important for a world where everyone can move in a safe and healthy way.
Speed matters with Maddie Moate - why do children view roads differently and why is it so important for drivers to keep their speed down in places where people live?
Safe systems is child's play - how the design of cities and towns, roads, public transport systems and vehicles can help us all make safe and healthy journeys
Will's Walk - join 8-year-old Will on his walk to the park and hear what he things about traffic
The science of speed with Nanogirl

Road safety games

How much do you know about speed and stopping distances? Test your knowledge with our stopping distances calculator.

For a full-screen version (opens in new window), click here

Can you make everyone in the car safe? Take the seatbelt challenge

For a full-screen version (opens in new window), click here

Driven to distraction. Find and fix the distractions so the driver can keep their eyes safely on the road

For a full-screen version (opens in new window), click here