Brake is delighted to announce a new strategic partnership with driver monitoring technology provider Seeing Machines.

As Brake’s newest Strategic Partner, Seeing Machines provides vital funding for Brake’s campaign work, calling for evidence-based solutions to address key areas of road risk, including changes to legislation and Government policy so we can all use roads safely, whoever we are and however we travel.

The working partnership began in 2024 when Seeing Machines sponsored an award at Brake’s annual UK Fleet Champions Awards 2024.

Ross Moorlock, CEO at Brake, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Seeing Machines as a new Strategic Partner. Their interest and expertise in using technology for road safety aligns closely with our work campaigning for the solutions that we know can stop road crashes and reduce harm. We’re excited to be developing plans for important work that we know can make a real difference to the safety of our roads and everyone who uses them.”

Paul McGlone, CEO at Seeing Machines, said: “Seeing Machines continues to make progress towards our end goal of zero transport fatalities which is why we are proud to support Brake and its commendable efforts to promote road safety. By working together, we can raise awareness, promote safer driving, and help prevent crashes, ensuring everyone gets home safely.”

About Seeing Machines Down arrow icon to open accordion

Seeing Machines (AIM: SEE), a global company founded in 2000 and headquartered in Australia, is an industry leader in vision-based monitoring technology that enable machines to see, understand and assist people. Seeing Machines is revolutionizing global transport safety. Its technology portfolio of AI algorithms, embedded processing and optics, power products that need to deliver reliable real-time understanding of vehicle operators. The technology spans the critical measurement of where a driver is looking, through to classification of their cognitive state as it applies to accident risk. Reliable “driver state” measurement is the end-goal of Driver Monitoring Systems (DMS) technology. Seeing Machines develops DMS technology to drive safety for Automotive, Commercial Fleet, Off-road and Aviation. The company has offices in Australia, USA, Europe and Asia, and supplies technology solutions and services to industry leaders in each market vertical.

About Seeing Machines and Brake’s partnership Down arrow icon to open accordion

Seeing Machines is a Strategic Partner of Brake, meaning it helps shape strategy, develop work, and achieve maximum impact. Brake selects Strategic Partners who are fully aligned with the charity’s vision, campaign goals and work, and can commit to working closely, usually for multiple years. Strategic Partners bring expertise, knowledge, and time, as well as funding.

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